Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Niko's 3rd Quarter Creative Project: Dionysus Video

Hi! My name is Niko and I’ll be discussing the process of how I created my project for “What in the World?” which was the creative project we were assigned this quarter. We were told that we had to create a project about anything we were interested it, but it had to tie into a specific place. I immediately thought of Greece since I’m extremely fascinated in classic Greek mythology. Although at first I wanted to focus of the aspects of Olympus via myths about it, I eventually settled on Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, as the topic for my project. I’m not too sure why exactly I chose such a “lame” god, I guess I was curious about his true history since you never hear ANYTHING about him. Heck, some people don’t even know he exists! But boy am I glad I chose him, I got to learn so many interesting things about Dionysus, things I would’ve never known unless I took on a project like this.

Niko's 3rd Quarter Creative Project: Dionysus Video

Hi! My name is Niko and I’ll be discussing the process of how I created my project for “What in the World?” which was the creative proje...